Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tombstone workshop!

Hey all!

We thought we would post some pictures from a small workshop we had tonight as we built some props, carved some tombstone and started on some tests with our facial prosthetics for some of our characters.

Since we are speaking about tombstones....
This year we will have over 50+ headstones of various shapes and sizes not to mention very large scaled Ruins, Archways and columns that make up the Grimlock Family Graveyard which is our second featured attraction! You will be led through our extravagant graveyard by the graveyards groundskeeper who will highlight various points of interest in our graveyard such as the old bottomless well, the archway of unrest and the famous Grimlock Family Crypt that until now hasn't been open in years. Hopefully you will be brave enough to enter the crypt...did we mention your only light source will be a glowstick?! 

We hope you enjoy these pictures. We will continue to post updates and display a few of our props upon completion, please feel free to ask questions or just say hello.

Until next time,

The Grimlock Manor Crew.

Pre-production pics.  Begining stages of design.



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