Saturday, July 25, 2009

Alice in Wonderland!

Hey all,

We wanted to take the time to also try and post things that we see on a daily basis that inspire us and give us new ideas and a drive to keep working on making our haunted attraction as detailed and unique as possible.

After seeing the Alice in Wonderland Trailer and the way they have designed the characters and environments we just were blown away. Most of us on the Grimlock Manor Crew love Alice in Wonderland and after hearing that it was Tim Burton who would be directing it we new it would have such a unique style and in our opinion he delivered!

We hope to obtain the same success at uniquely styled characters unlike any you have ever seen before and will be posting a few first looks of our characters Griswald Grimlock and Lucilla Grimlock right after this post but for now here is the Alice in Wonderland Trailer for your enjoyment!

The Grimlock Manor Crew~


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